
Print from your computer to a wall using just spray paint, string, and 2 motors

These awesome students from Zurich created a way to print anything from your computer to a wall just about any size using spray paint, string, and 2 motors. The effect is beautiful, and the video is totally mesmerizing.


At 3/4/06 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha a spray paint plotter, what will they think of next?

I've seen people play around with a water "laser" cutter, and apparently you can use any vector path to program cuts into..any material. Of course those things cost more than $25,000 a pop while this invention looks like it might cost $25.00.

Sounds like a genius way of making large scale work on demand. If you can figure out a way of reproducing what they did without violating their copyright (assuming there is one) it would be awesome.


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